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www.capsulesforyou.comWe sell equipment and production technology of CBD oil vegan soft gel capsules. Questions? Contact us.
We sell equipment and production technology of CBD oil vegan soft gel capsules. Questions? Contact us.
We sell equipment and production technology of CBD oil vegan soft gel capsules. Questions? Contact us.
We sell equipment and production technology of CBD oil vegan soft gel capsules. Questions? Contact us.
We sell equipment and production technology of CBD oil vegan soft gel capsules. Questions? Contact us.
We sell equipment and production technology of CBD oil vegan soft gel capsules. Questions? Contact us.
We sell equipment and production technology of CBD oil vegan soft gel capsules. Questions? Contact us.
We sell equipment and production technology of CBD oil vegan soft gel capsules. Questions? Contact us.
We sell equipment and production technology of CBD oil vegan soft gel capsules. Questions? Contact us.
We sell equipment and production technology of CBD oil vegan soft gel capsules. Questions? Contact us.
We sell equipment and production technology of CBD oil vegan soft gel capsules. Questions? Contact us.
We sell equipment and production technology of CBD oil vegan soft gel capsules. Questions? Contact us.
We sell equipment and production technology of CBD oil vegan soft gel capsules. Questions? Contact us.
We sell equipment and production technology of CBD oil vegan soft gel capsules. Questions? Contact us.
We sell equipment and production technology of CBD oil vegan soft gel capsules. Questions? Contact us.
ROMAN TSIBULSKY: Good afternoon, Professor Borisov. Today we met to compare my samples of gelatin-coated CBD oil capsules with your samples of CBD oil capsules coated with Agar, a natural plant material. I am grateful that you agreed to arrange our meeting today and record this video. My company Soft Gel Capsules Technologies Co. Limited ( www.Capsulesforyou.com) manufactures equipment for putting Cannabis and CBD oil in small round capsules. I am glad to start cooperation and meet you face to face after a long virtual communication. If you convince me that your technology of CBD oil capsules coated with Agar is better than mine, I am ready to sign a contract with you. Check out my samples first.
PROFESSOR BORISOV: Mr.Roman, can I taste it right now?
ROMAN TSIBULSKY: Please test CBD oil capsules with our gelatin shell. Does it taste like your CBD oil capsules with an Agar shell?
PROFESSOR BORISOV: One second, one second, no!!! It's completely different from our CBD oil coated with Agar.
ROMAN TSIBULSKY: I really liked your idea of CBD oil capsules with the Agar shell. I see that I can use this in my business.
PROFESSOR BORISOV: Our new technology contains many effects from the use of capsules with Agar. You can use your standard model of equipment for CBD oil and Cannabis encapsulation. You can create new products. Agar technology is an open formula to mix all types of gel or develop new shell types of CBD oil capsules for use and ingestion. Roman, today the new capsule shell material is an advantage on the Cannabis and CBD markets around the world.
ROMAN TSIBULSKY: Please give me some capsules with Agar, I will test them.
PROFESSOR BORISOV: Ok, Roman, take a few capsules now.
ROMAN TSIBULSKY: Amazing! I feel an unusual effect, the capsule instantly became soft. I feel the difference and the new effect.
PROFESSOR BORISOV: My dear Mr.Roman, I am 85 years old, I'm so old. You are young and you have a great way of life ahead. I want to tell you a little about my life. In the 1970s I was young and I studied the plant world and traditional medicine. I studied various plants and their effects on humans. Cannabis is a strong plant, Roman, it has the highest level in the plant world. It brings a lot of benefits and is very affordable. I researched the healing properties of Cannabis, like many other young scientists. It interested me all my life. I have seen many plantations in Jamaica and other countries. Do you know Rasta? Then I studied the Cannabis effect in medicine. A lot, a lot of information and a lot of interesting people from around the world. I corresponded with friends and colleagues from California, USA. Many of my friends from Spain are engaged in Cannabis cultivation and study of CBD oil. I read medical journals to understand this. After many years, the ban on Cannabis products began to be removed in many countries. Now it is legal in the USA, Canada, Australia, Uruguay, Argentina and many European countries. Roman, this is a good business, and this is a useful product. You do a good job producing equipment for encapsulating CBD oil. Now when you, Roman, will sign our contract, you will receive new technologies for your company. You will grow, and your customers will be happy with your technology.
PROFESSOR BORISOV: Mr.Roman, I am holding samples of CBD oil capsules with the Agar shell. I already sent you information about Agar. Now I was able to make large samples for you. But your small capsules are the optimal size. My capsules contain a lot of CBD oil. This is a large dose. But these are samples to show you and do the test. I realized that your GMP equipment line can make many small capsules in 1 hour. These products have numerous prospects on the market. I think that combining CBD oil with Agar is also a reasonable philosophy: plant with plant. We have a plant product. There is no conflict nature between materials. Both materials are plant products. One will help the other. Now many people are thinking about safe medicine. Many people are vegetarians and vegans, many profess religions of non-violence against animals. The Agar plant shell is the solution. Agar shells are much more stable, which provides good storage in countries with hot climates. Agar capsules have a smaller size and lower cost if compared with gelatin capsule shell technology. The obtained capsules with the Agar shell are more thermostable and can retain their shape and oil inside, even if the capsules are placed in hot water. This makes it possible to add CBD oil capsules with the Agar shell as an additive to hot burgers, pies and hot dishes. Roman do you understand me? Ok. I see a big market for this. But today I will give you more information. It is important to take CBD oil properly so that you get the maximum quick effect.
ROMAN TSIBULSKY: This is the first time I'm going to test CBD oil capsule coated with Agar.
PROFESSOR BORISOV: Yes, do it, Mr.Roman.
ROMAN TSIBULSKY: Should I put it in my mouth or swallow it, right?
PROFESSOR BORISOV: Put the capsule under your tongue. Do not swallow.
ROMAN TSIBULSKY: The capsule is under my tongue now.
PROFESSOR BORISOV: The secret is that oil is absorbed under the tongue faster and the effect quickly reaches the brain.
ROMAN TSIBULSKY: How does this happen? I do not understand yet.
PROFESSOR BORISOV: CBD oil has an effect even in microdoses if placed under the tongue.
ROMAN TSIBULSKY: It's fantastic! This is the real secret.
ROMAN TSIBULSKY: Dear Professor Borisov, I am holding your samples of CBD oil with a shell made of plant material and I am very pleased today. This is a great day. I understood your philosophy; I saw the results of your work. I'm very impressed. I am grateful to you and admire the great work that you have been doing all these years. Now, many of my clients will use the result of your work. I am glad that I can use the equipment that my team and I developed to combine it with Agar material.
PROFESSOR BORISOV: I also thank all our colleagues from the two companies for their great work. We have done this and have now joined our work into one large project.
ROMAN TSIBULSKY: We took our experience and the technical innovations of our equipment and combined with your ideas about vegetable capsule shells and ways of CBD oil consumption.
PROFESSOR BORISOV: Let's start cooperating. I am going to sign a contract and transfer all the technologies to you today.
ROMAN TSIBULSKY: We will celebrate this tonight at the dinner for both teams.
PROFESSOR BORISOV: I am very happy that such energetic young people like you, Roman, are doing to develop the Cannabis industry and to apply CBD oil.
ROMAN TSIBULSKY: Thank you for the appreciation of my company, dear professor.
ROMAN TSIBULSKY: I want to show you more of our gelatin capsule samples. We have clients who use gelatin capsules for CBD oil and other types of healthy vegetable oils.
PROFESSOR BORISOV: Roman, I see your samples and I don’t tell you to reject gelatin. If there is oil that can be swallowed, this is also quite good treatment and health aid.
ROMAN TSIBULSKY: What kind of product are you talking about? Is it about various animal fats?
PROFESSOR BORISOV: In my philosophy, it is good to encapsulate fish oil, omega-3 and omega-6, as well as some animal fats in gelatin capsules. The animal product will connect with the animal product. It implies no any contradiction or error.
ROMAN TSIBULSKY: It's good advice from you as a specialist. I did not think about such a question from a philosophical point of view. In any case, our gelatin capsules are also a recognized food material for medicines. These are good capsules.
PROFESSOR BORISOV: Offer your customers equipment for both technologies. Clients will be able to use Agar and gelatin to make capsules. This is my advice to you. The more technology, the more business opportunities. I also liked the samples of gelatin capsules. They look great.
ROMAN TSIBULSKY: I agree with you, dear professor. Samples in your hands are excellent.
PROFESSOR BORISOV: I’ll repeat to you once again, Roman, that I liked your samples, but they are not so good for CBD oil. I'll tell you why.
PROFESSOR BORISOV: Mr.Roman, are you going to take away all my secrets today? You are a good person and you have already signed a contract. We can discuss some important issues of CBD oil use. In my opinion, CBD oil and Cannabis products have several important factors for production, use and storage. Like with any vegetable oil, the oxidation process begins immediately after production. Do you agree, Roman, that oil is a product that starts oxidation? I'm sure you agree with me. If we immediately put CBD oil in capsules, this eliminates the problem of long-term storage, as we get a sealed shell for CBD oil. If we color the shell of the CBD oil capsule, then we’ll get UV protection. CBD oil is a very highly-active product, so it makes no sense to use a large dose. A small capsule with a diameter of 4-6 mm provides a dose for single use. More grams of CBD oil are useless. I am talking about the high effect of a small CBD oil dose on the human body. Roman, you can make your capsules small, but other popular technologies cannot do this.
PROFESSOR BORISOV: According to the old technology, capsules are made of gelatin only, and they are obtained with a shell that weighs more than oil. The buyer takes gelatin! This is unacceptable. The shell of the CBD oil capsule obtained on your equipment is several times thinner. This is better for both the buyer and CBD oil manufacturer. I also recommend dissolving the capsule under the tongue. If you simply swallow a CBD oil capsule, then active substances can be neutralized with acid from the digestive tract and can also be restrained by the liver and kidneys. And ultimately the buyer will receive only a smaller part of the effect. My dear Roman, I see it necessary to place the capsule under the tongue and keep it there for a while. The physiological principle is as follows: there is an object in the mouth. The tongue and receptors give a signal to the brain, identify the type of food, then product testers are secreted. The capsule is destroyed, and oil reaches receptors. Along with saliva it goes immediately by a smaller distance into the blood and brain. There we get a reaction to CBD oil. I will give an example: first we see a flower, then the nose catches a smell. If we are blindfolded, the nose may not focus on the smell, or it needs to be intensified. When we put an oil capsule under the tongue, we give a signal that something needs to be done with this. Our brain is prepared, then oil reacts, and we feel the effect. It’s so simple, Roman, it’s the physiological principles of our body. CBD oil does not need large doses, it needs proper usage.
ROMAN TSIBULSKY: This is very interesting for me. I totally agree with you on this.
ROMAN TSIBULSKY: We are glad that you met our company today, that we discussed our cooperation and signed a contract.
PROFESSOR BORISOV: I am also very pleased to get to know you better, to talk and discuss with you our joint business and our cooperation.
ROMAN TSIBULSKY: We will combine your technology and our equipment to achieve success together.
PROFESSOR BORISOV: I will say that we have already achieved success at the time when we started the process of combining our companies together.
ROMAN TSIBULSKY: Once again, I want to thank you for our meeting and sharing interesting and useful information on behalf of all the employees and clients of my company Soft Gel Capsules Technologies Co. Limited ( www.Capsulesforyou.com).
ROMAN TSIBULSKY: Our company represents a market the technology and equipment for production of soft round seamless gelatin capsules. All kinds of vegetable oils and many kinds of animal fat, can be placed inside a thin but strong gelatinous shell. Which reliably preserves the content for a long time. Our technology has no waste products and is the most efficient at cost of the finished products. If you have oil or animal fat, than getting our equipment and technology, you can easily produce around shaped capsules with diameter of one to ten millimeters.
ROMAN TSIBULSKY: You can also smoothly adjust the weight of the capsule to the required. Gelatinous shell can be painted in any color. To start up business, you need to have the desire to produce capsules and small premises. The specialist of our company will give you a detailed description of our equipment features, make recommendations on preparation of your premises, help with finding raw materials adjust equipment and train you to work on it. We send the equipment and delegate our specialists to customers all over the world.
ROMAN TSIBULSKY: Our company offers equipment and technology for the production of soft seamless capsules. At present we have two capsules shell technologies, this is a classic gelatin technology and a new innovative technology of capsule shells made of plant material. We use a plant material called Agar-Agar for our capsules, this is an alga based material. The technology will be of interest in the production of capsules for the Eastern market, for the market of Arab countries for Muslims, vegans and vegetarians, and wherever the use of animal gelatin is not required. We present this technology on the global market, as we are the only company possessing such a technology.
ROMAN TSIBULSKY: In addition to the technology we have developed an automated encapsulation line that allows producing these products. We have developed our automated line, which is entirely made of stainless steel, ensuring compliance with the GMP standard requirements. You can easily certify and validate such equipment at your production facility and use it to manufacture products of the same quality as the market leaders. Our compact automatic line is a unique offer. Today there is no analog equipment on the capsule market in terms of either cost or performance or uniqueness of the shell composition and material.
ROMAN TSIBULSKY: We are the only company that has achieved it. Many important parts of our equipment have a European certificate, which is very important for customers from Europe, the USA, and Canada. We use a chinese-made reactor for gel production, but this is the only factory we have found in China that can produce equipment certified in Europe. The encapsulator itself is fully manufactured by our employees and our workers at the production facility in Minsk, Belarus. We carefully test each machine before sending it to customers. Thus guaranteeing workability of this equipment for 200%. Same as before any of our customers have the opportunity to invite our adjuster to visit their facility, within 5 days he will commission and set up the equipment train the personnel and give some advice and recommendations on how to use the equipment. I am very proud of the result that we have achieved together with my team.
ROMAN TSIBULSKY: Behind my back are the years of research the work of our designers and process engineers, so far no other company offers vegetarian capsules. This is a very interesting product. I hope you will appreciate our efforts become our customers and build your business together with us. Do not hesitate to contact me. I will be happy to answer any of your questions. All the best! I'm Roman Tsibulsky.
ROMAN TSIBULSKY: The technology and equipment for production of soft round seamless gelatin capsules. All kinds of vegetable oils and many kinds of animal fat, can be placed inside a thin but strong gelatinous shell. Which reliably preserves the content for a long time. Our technology has no waste products and is the most efficient at cost of the finished products. You have oil or animal fat, than getting our equipment and technology you can easily produce around shaped capsules with diameter of one to ten millimeters. You can also smoothly adjust the weight of the capsule to the required. Gelatinous shell can be painted in any color. To start up business you need to have the desire to produce capsules and small premises. The specialist of our company will give you a detailed description of our equipment features, make recommendations on preparation of your premises. Help with finding raw materials, adjust equipment and train you to work on it. We send the equipment and delegate our specialists to customers all over the world. Our company offers equipment and technology for the production of soft seamless capsules. At present, we have two capsules shell technologies, this is a classic gelatin technology and a new innovative technology of capsule shells made of plant material. We use a plant material called Agar-Agar for our capsules. This is an alga-based material.
ROMAN TSIBULSKY: The technology will be of interest in the production of capsules for the Eastern market, for the market of Arab countries, for Muslims, vegans and vegetarians, and wherever the use of animal gelatin is not required. We present this technology on the global market as we are the only company possessing such a technology. In addition to the technology, we have developed an automated encapsulation line that allows producing these products. We have developed our automated line, which is entirely made of stainless steel, ensuring compliance with the GMP standard requirements. You can easily certify and validate such equipment at your production facility, and use it to manufacture products of the same quality as the market leaders. Our compact automatic line is a unique offer. Today, there is no analogue equipment on the capsule market, in terms of either cost or performance, or uniqueness of the shell composition and material. We are the only company that has achieved it.
ROMAN TSIBULSKY: I will make a short presentation of our line in order to tell you about each unit and each part of the equipment in our automatic line. This is a heated tank with agitator in which we prepare the gel. Now I am pointing at an electric motor with blades installed inside, the motor is mixing the volume of gel that we are preparing with the blades. This heated tank with agitator has a water jacket and thermal protection, which helps to maintain the temperature so as not to heat the air in the room. The system of observation windows, lighting system. From our tank, the gel is pumped through special heating hoses to the tank in the encapsulator and through the return hose is returned back to our tank. This is done in order to maintain the high temperature of the gel inside our reactor at all times. We work with Agar-Agar that requires a temperature of more than plus 90 degrees Celsius. If there were only one heated hose, then the material inside would cool down and block the gel from moving. Therefore, we lift the material into the tank of the encapsulator using one hose and dump the excess gel back into our boiler via the second hose. This electric cabinet regulates the heating temperature of our heated hoses, it also regulates the speed of the gel feeding to our tank at the top and the device that regulates the temperature of the gel that we made, as well as the speed of the blades rotation. Everything gets into our encapsulator through heated hoses. Here is the GMP version of our encapsulator, made entirely of stainless steels.
ROMAN TSIBULSKY: All corners are rounded, ensuring easy cleaning and washing in accordance with GMP standards. Sealing of our chamber eliminates the ingress of all kinds of polluting particles. There is a thermal insulation material inside the chamber. It maintains a certain temperature. Now I will tell you about the design features of the GMP encapsulator. The top panel has a control system. There are temperature controls for transport oil, gel, and oil that is placed inside the capsule. Now the ambient temperature is shown, but when we program our encapsulator to work, we set the temperatures we want to work with. If your material, oil or animal fat, requires heating our tanks, which are located at the back of the encapsulator, also have a water jacket system, a water bath, which will warm up the materials. Now we use high-precision controls that allow adjusting the speed of material movement within our system. It means that special pumps regulate the feeding rate of the material that becomes the capsule shell and the material that is placed inside the capsules. This significantly enhances the dosing accuracy. Having set certain indicators on the devices today, you can run it in the same mode the next day and reproduce it all. In order to see the encapsulator operation process and the formation of the capsules we use special stroboscopic lamps that show us what happens when we form capsules thanks to their light pulsation.
ROMAN TSIBULSKY: The capsules move at a very high speed, more than 24 capsules per second and they seem invisible, but when we turn on the stroboscope, it gives us the opportunity to see how the capsules are formed. Now the capsule production is not in process, I'm just showing you how it works. You can also switch the lighting mode of the internal camera to see the entire process. Later we will make a video clip showing the equipment in operation. Rounded corners provide easy cleaning, which meets the GMP standard. Stainless steel is inside and outside. This material is suitable for the production of food and pharmaceutical products. You can easily obtain any permit to use this equipment at your facility. The bottom part of the chamber is for the transport oil cooling system. Inside there is a special box with a double wall, where the coolant is pumped by a pump and all the transport oil is cooled in this box. If necessary, this unit can be easily detached, drained, and cleaned inside. The inner corners of this box are also radial, which makes them easy to wash. I have just shown you the design of this container for transport oil cooling. I am holding a similar container. This is a double-walled, stainless-steel container with radial corners, in which the coolant is fed along the inner walls. And here is the transport oil. It's intensive cooling takes place here.
ROMAN TSIBULSKY: Those who know our equipment and have seen previous designs will appreciate this technical solution. Thanks to special silicon reinforced hoses we get high quality products. They are easy to dismantle, they are very soft. Here, you see, I'm twisting them now. At the same time they are certified, they have a European certificate and we install them in our encapsulator. We us two tanks in our encapsulator. One is for the oil or fish oil that you want to fill in the capsule. The gel is in the other similar 18 liter tank. The system in the lid is designed in such a way that a continuous supply of gel or encapsulation material is provided to our tanks throughout the entire 24 hour operation of the equipment. It is worth mentioning the quality of this tank. It fully complies with GMP requirements. It has a semicircular bottom and a radius, which allow cleaning and washing these tanks inside and outside. Those who have seen our previous tanks will be agreeably surprised by the progress we have made in this respect. We have also made convenient side handles for removing and placing tanks filled with the gel and material up into our encapsulator. This is also very convenient and we have fulfilled the request of our clients to make this process as convenient as possible. Once again I will demonstrate how the gel is fed from our heating tank, from our container with a stirrer to the equipment. Please note that two hoses go out, one goes to the tank and one from the same tank it returns to our reactor. Here are the connections.
ROMAN TSIBULSKY: Also, please note that on the back side we have made a complete protection from contact with the hot material of the water bath, that is, we have insulated it and made a protective stainless steel panel. On the back side there is a compressor system and a transport oil cooling system it is covered with a protective closure for safety. Perforated holes allow air circulation to cool and maintain a certain temperature at the pumps and other equipment, which is located in the backside. The electrical cabinet is also made of stainless steel, inside which all our electronic devices are located. I'd like to highlight that all components are made in Germany. Frequency controllers, various electronic components meet high requirements of the European equipment market. CAPSULESFORYOU.COM invites you to our showroom where we can demonstrate the operation of our equipment. We are always happy to see you. We are open to everyone and will be happy to show you how our equipment works. You are welcome to contact us at any time.
ROMAN TSIBULSKY: Hello! My name is Roman Tsibulsky and I'm the CEO of the company Soft Gel Capsules Technologies Co.Limited. Our company offers equipment and technology for the production of soft seamless capsules. At present, we have two capsules shell technologies, this is a classic gelatin technology and a new innovative technology of capsule shells made of plant material. We use a plant material called Agar-Agar for our capsules. This is an alga-based material. The technology will be of interest in the production of capsules for the Eastern market, for the market of Arab countries, for Muslims, vegans and vegetarians, and wherever the use of animal gelatin is not required. We present this technology on the global market as we are the only company possessing such a technology.
ROMAN TSIBULSKY: In addition to the technology, we have developed an automated encapsulation line that allows producing these products. Our automated line consists of the following types of devices: a heated tank with an agitator for producing both gelatin and Agar gel. This is a universal unit. This tank has mixing blades that allow maintaining homogenous condition of the gel during its production. The volume of this heated tank with agitator is 50 liters, thus ensuring continuous 24-hour operation of the equipment. A special pump feeds the jail from the heated tank with agitator to our encapsulator via a special heated hose. These hoses maintain heating up to +90 degrees Celsius, thus ensuring equal heating of the entire material and continuous operation of the equipment. Behind me is a new model of the encapsulator entirely made in accordance with GMP standards.
ROMAN TSIBULSKY: All the inside and outside edges are made with a radius allowing easy and efficient cleaning. Also, all electronic, electrical components, pumps and electric motors are of European production from Italy and Germany. We strive to create a device that is as reliable and convenient for our users as possible. After the capsules are formed they are automatically released into the washing and spinning device, which significantly reduces the operating time in comparison with our old model, where this operation was performed manually. Now the capsules automatically jump from one device to another, which eliminates the need for manual operator work. We have also developed a unique system for continuous drying of capsules. It is different from all those options that exist on today's market of pharmaceutical equipment.
ROMAN TSIBULSKY: This system has no analogues and we do not show it today only for the reason that we do not want our competitors to copy it before we start its production and sale. We have developed our automated line, which is entirely made of stainless steel, ensuring compliance with the GMP standard requirements. You can easily certify and validate such equipment at your production facility, and use it to manufacture products of the same quality as the market leaders. Our compact automatic line is a unique offer. Today, there is no analog equipment on the capsule market, in terms of either cost or performance, or uniqueness of the shell composition and material. We are the only company that has achieved it. Many important parts of our equipment have a European certificate, which is very important for customers from Europe, the USA and Canada. We use a Chinese-made reactor for gel production, but this is the only Factory we have found in China that can produce equipment certified in Europe.
ROMAN TSIBULSKY: The encapsulator itself is fully manufactured by our employees and our workers at the production facility in Minsk, Belarus. We carefully test each machine before sending it to customers, thus guaranteeing, workability of this equipment for 200%. Same as before, any of our customers have the opportunity to invite our Adjuster to visit their facility. Within 5 days, he will commission and set up the equipment, train the personnel and give some advice and recommendations on how to use the equipment. By the present time, none of our customers has stopped the capsules production for any reason. Our equipment works everywhere, people produce the products and successfully develop their business. We ship our equipment to any country, including the former Soviet Union countries, the US, Canada, Europe and around the world. We have well-working delivery channels and friendly companies that will help us with customs clearance in your country. At any time, our specialists will come to you and tell you how to arrange the capsules production business in the best way. This automatic line allows switching from the gelatin shell to Agar-Agar shell of the capsule and in the reverse direction. This allows you to produce more unique types of products. I am very proud of the result that we have achieved together with my team. Behind my back are the years of research, the work of our designers and process engineers. So far, no other company offers vegetarian capsules. This is a very interesting product. I hope you will appreciate our efforts, become our customers and build your business together with us. Do not hesitate to contact me, I will be happy to answer any of your questions.
ROMAN TSIBULSKY: Our company offers equipment and technologies for encapsulating oils and various fats. These are vegetable oils that you see on the shelves in pharmacies. Behind my back is a new automated capsule production line using seamless technology. Our technology provides a capacity of about 90,000 capsules per hour. At present, no other company offers such equipment or technology. We have also developed a new shell of a plant matter called Agar-Agar. This is an alga-based powder which we use to make vegetarian capsule shells with remarkable characteristics. Our capsules have a round shape only, they are seamless, which ensures an undeniable advantage over technologies existing on the market. We do not have any residuals or rejected products, there is no need to dispose production waste, since all raw materials used in our technology is used to produce capsules. Behind me is a new automated encapsulation line with a capacity of 90,000 capsules per hour. This high speed can't be provided by any other equipment.
ROMAN TSIBULSKY: Our line consists of several machines. The first machine is a special reactor where agar or gelatin gel is produced. The gel is made at a temperature of about plus 90 degrees Celsius. The gel is fed through the heated hoses to our encapsulator by a special pump. Capsules are formed from the gel and oil in the encapsulator. Then the capsules go out for washing and drying. This is a boiler, a heated tank with an agitator that makes the gel, there is also a pump, a system of heated hoses, the encapsulator itself, as well as a centrifuge for hydroextraction and washing of capsules after encapsulation. Our company has been producing encapsulator for 20 years and until today, our equipment was, let's say, in the affordable price segment. And today we are ready to present you a completely updated design of the encapsulator made of stainless steel that meets all GMP requirements. All edges, all internal edges are made with a radius, which provides convenient use and guarantees the quality of washing.
ROMAN TSIBULSKY: Our equipment operates at the highest possible speed. We have added special high-precision pumps that regulate the dosage of capsules and operational stability of the equipment. Commissioning and adjustment time has been significantly reduced. In addition to the high-precision pumps installed in our new encapsulator that maintain a stable pressure of all liquids, as well as an accurate dosage of capsules, all electronic components such as motors, pumps, gearboxes have parts made in Europe: Germany and Italy. This ensures excellent quality and non-stop operation around the clock. We strive to make our products as reliable and pleasant for our customers as possible. If we compare the old model and the new one, we will see that everything has been significantly changed. It is difficult to assess the difference visually, although the appearance has become much more presentable. The transport oil cooling system has also been completely updated. We have shifted from dipping the cooling elements into the oil. Now we use a special container with a double bottom which the refrigerant passes through.
ROMAN TSIBULSKY: This increases the cooling rate of the transport oil and helps the encapsulator work more stable. We have also developed a system that ensures maximum speed of washing and disassembly of equipment for cleaning and day-to-day operation. All the wishes of our customers were taken into account and implemented in this new model. The new heated tank with agitator for gel production has enough material for 24-hour uninterrupted operation of the encapsulator. We have also implemented the possibility of automatic washing and drying of capsules, which significantly reduces the cost of manpower. When using our automatic line you can't get much better service and quality of the equipment operation. This presentation video does not include our unique automatic capsule drying system. This is our know-how, we are not demonstrating it now so that competing companies cannot copy it. But believe me, we have achieved a wonderful technical solution that allows you to dry our capsules by 70% in two hours. After they are automatically moved within two hours from the moment they enter the drying chamber to the moment they exit it. You only need to dry them for two or three hours perhaps on conventional plastic pallets.
ROMAN TSIBULSKY: This significantly reduces energy and time costs until the capsule is dried. We deliver heated tank with agitator for the gel production from a friendly factory in China. This factory, the only one we could find, has the appropriate certificates confirming European quality. This gel heated tank with agitator is also certified. We strive to ensure that our equipment has the maximum number of certificates is suitable for use not only in the CIS countries but also in other countries of the world. Our new high-speed GMP encapsulator is entirely manufactured by our company. We do the full production cycle: from manufacturing the case to assembling the last part and contacting suppliers of European-quality consumables. We monitor the quality, and now in our office you can see a demo sample of this new encapsulator, it is behind my back. We will be glad to welcome you in our company. We strive to develop, make high-quality products, make products that have no analogues on today's global market and we are always glad to see you as our dear customers who will appreciate our work and technical solutions that we have developed when making this automatic line. I will be very happy for any of your contacts, please do not hesitate to contact me.
ROMAN TSIBULSKY: I will make a short presentation of our line in order to tell you about each unit and each part of the equipment in our automatic line. This is heated tank with agitator in which we prepare the gel. Now I am pointing at an electric motor with blades installed inside, the motor is mixing the volume of gel that we are preparing with the blades. This heated tank with agitator has a water jacket and thermal protection, which helps to maintain the temperature so as not to heat the air in the room. The system of observation windows, lighting system. From our tank, the gel is pumped through special heating hoses to the tank in the encapsulator and through the return hose is returned back to our tank. This is done in order to maintain the high temperature of the gel inside our reactor at all times. We work with agar-agar that requires a temperature of more than + 90 degree Celsius. If there were only one heated hose, then the material inside would cool down and block the gel from moving. Therefore, we lift the material into the tank of the encapsulator using one hose and dump the excess gel back into our boiler via the second hose. This electric cabinet regulates the heating temperature of our heated hoses, also it regulates the speed of the gel feeding to our tank at the top and the device that regulates the temperature of the gel that we made, as well as the speed of the blades rotation. Everything gets into our encapsulator through the heated hoses. Here is the GMP version of our encapsulator, made entirely of stainless steel. Here is the GMP version of our CBD oil encapsulator, made entirely of stainless steel. Here is the GMP version of our Cannabis oil encapsulator, made entirely of stainless steel. All corners are rounded, ensuring easy cleaning and washing in accordance with GMP standards. Sealing of our chamber eliminates the ingress of all kinds of polluting particles. There is a thermal insulation material inside the chamber. It maintains a certain temperature.
ROMAN TSIBULSKY: Now I will tell you about the design features of the GMP encapsulator. Now I will tell you about the design features of the GMP CBD oil encapsulator. Now I will tell you about the design features of the GMP Cannabis oil encapsulator. The top panel has a control system. There are temperature controls for transport oil, gel, and oil that is placed inside the capsule. There are temperature controls for transport oil, gel, and CBD oil that is placed inside the capsule.There are temperature controls for transport oil, gel, and cannabis oil that is placed inside the capsule. Now the ambient temperature is shown, but when we program our encapsulator to work, we set the temperatures we want to work with. If your material, oil or animal fat, requires heating our tanks, which are located at the back of the encapsulator, also have a water jacket system, a water bath, which will warm up the materials. If your CBD oil requires heating our tanks, which are located at the back of the encapsulator, also have a water jacket system, a water bath, which will warm up the materials. If your Cannabis oil requires heating our tanks, which are located at the back of the encapsulator, also have a water jacket system, a water bath, which will warm up the materials. Now we use high-precision controls that allow adjusting the speed of material movement within our system. It means that special pumps regulate the feeding rate of the material that becomes the capsule shell and the material that is placed inside the capsules. This significantly enhances the dosing accuracy. Having set certain indicators on the devices today, you can run it in the same mode the next day and reproduce it all. In order to see the encapsulator operation process and the formation of the capsules we use special stroboscopic lamps that show us what happens when we form capsules thanks to their light pulsation. The capsules move at a very high speed, more than 24 capsules per second and they seem invisible, but when we turn on the stroboscope, it gives us the opportunity to see how the capsules are formed. Now the capsule production is not in process, I'm just showing you how it works. Now the CBD oil capsule production is not in process, I'm just showing you how it works. Now the cannabis oil softgels production is not in process, I'm just showing you how it works. You can also switch the lighting mode of the internal camera to see the entire process. Later we will make a video clip showing the equipment in operation.
ROMAN TSIBULSKY: I am very proud of the result that we have achieved together with my team. Behind my back are the years of research, the work of our designers and process engineers. So far, no other company offers vegetarian capsules. So far, no other company offers vegetarian CBD oil capsules. So far, no other company offers vegetarian cannabis oil softgels. This is a very interesting product. I hope you will appreciate our efforts, become our customers and build your business together with us. I hope you will appreciate our efforts, become our customers and build your CBD business together with us. I hope you will appreciate our efforts, become our customers and build your Cannabis business together with us. Do not hesitate to contact me, I will be happy to answer any of your questions. We use two tanks in our encapsulator. One is for the oil or fish oil that you want to fill in the capsule. One is for the CBD oil that you want to fill in the capsule. One is for the cannabis oil that you want to fill in the capsule. The gel is in the other similar 18 liter tank. The system in the lid is designed in such a way that a continuous supply of gel or encapsulation material is provided to our tanks throughout the entire 24 hour operation of the equipment. It is worth mentioning the quality of this tank. It fully complies with GMP requirements. It has a semicircular bottom and a radius, which allow cleaning and washing these tanks inside and outside. Those who have seen our previous tanks will be agreeably surprised by the progress we have made in this respect. We have also made convenient side handles for removing and placing tanks filled with the gel and material up into our encapsulator. This is also very convenient and we have fulfilled the request of our clients to make this process as convenient as possible.